Thoughts, feelings, ideas I have...though some are a bit mad.
My fun afternoon!
Published on November 1, 2004 By Lengirl In Misc
I have just spent the most enjoyable afternoon making my own Christmas cards. I used to do it when I was a little girl, but haven't had the patience to do it lately. However I decided that this year I would put in the effort and get a production line going! My partner and I have moved to Scotland (from Australia) earlier this year and so Christmas presents are a little difficult (not to mention expensive) to send back home. So I figured what better way to give a personal gift that I made with my own two hands, and you know what, it was the best fun!!

Cutting, pasting and designing, I felt great and if I can be a little big-headed the cards don't look half bad. Okay, there not exactly hallmark but, well they look cute...I am so proud! LOL At one point the phone rang while I was in the middle of glueing a Christmas tree and well let's just say that the phone is now ready for the Christmas season with a lovely glitter pattern filling the ear-piece.

I'm going to get back to my cards but my advice to others is to chill out and make some cards...great therapy! Merry early Christmas everyone!

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