Thoughts, feelings, ideas I have...though some are a bit mad.
one step at a time
Published on July 15, 2004 By Lengirl In Misc
I think that I have come to a conclusion, regardless of what everyone else is doing, I'm grounded. I just thought of it today, weird really, so many things are changing for so many other people yet I stopped and thought about it, I don't need it. I am happy taking my time, climbing my hill, I know I'll get to the top one day, but I'm not in a rush to get there right now. I don't mind if other people are pasing me because I know I'm not going to slip. I'm holding on to tight, I've got all and nothing to loose by jamming my feet in and grabbing on and when I feel ready I'll take another step... but only when I'm ready.

I suppose I've known this for a while now, but only just acknowledged it today. I lived in a preconcived world of what was expected by a certain age, or what you should do to be like others. Life is a race, but only with yourself, I've got nothing to prove to anyone but me. So what if I do things 1, 2 , 5 ,10 years later than everybody else, the thing to remember is, I'm still doing it, just at my own pace. I never thought of myself as someone to be patient, I'm well known for running in 'boots and all', but I've decided that I am patient, maybe not in things that people notice,but I really wait till I'm ready before I act on the big things. Time is a constant but at the moment so am I.Oh things will change, as they always do, but I at least am prepared for that change and know if I'm ready to move or stay still.

Patience is a virtue, I am virtuous (to a degree) and I am ready to live. I am prepared, I only hope the rest of the world is too.

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