I'm supposed to be researching right now. I promised myself that I would, but I just can't seem to stay focused. I want to, I really do, but for some reason I can't. Strange. I made pizza dough ready for dinner tonight, I've been out to the shops, I've even watched some mindless T.V. hoping to relax my mind enough to clear it of all thoughts and hopefully start again. Yet here I am again, writing, sharing, but not researching.
I keep telling myself that I will, I know I will but I don't know when. Maybe tomorrow. He'll be home soon, I want him here, but I know that I will definetly not do work then. Dinner, conversation, mayber some wine, but no research. We'll watch T.V. talk, laugh but I'll do none. I'm not complaining, as I know it will get done eventually, it always does. I've never failed at researching, yet I have also never done it when I really should. I'm not lazy, though I am lazy. I sleep, not well though, maybe tonight. I'm tired, though I don't know why, I haven't done that much today, I've thought a lot about a range of things, but done no research. Is thinking research?
Maybe is some degree, as I am researching my own mind. My own knowledge. Hmm maybe I've done more today than I thought before, maybe thinking is as tiring as anything else. Maybe. I don't know. Pizza for dinner, home made pizza for dinner. Home-made pizza with salami, ham and cheese. I'm hungry, maybe that's why I can't research. I need research energy food. Yes, that's the excuse I'll use. I was hungry. Am I thirsty too, I'll get a drink, lemonade or juice? hmm decisions, that's it, to many decisons. They got in the way of the research, of the plan. I had a plan for today, it was a good plan. I got a couple of things done, btu no research. Maybe tomorrow.
I'll go start the pizza, he'll be home soon, he'll be hungry, I'm hungry. We'll eat, then talk, then maybe I'll do some research. Maybe. No I won't, I'll do it tomorrow.