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I've Got An Idea....I Think?
Thoughts, feelings, ideas I have...though some are a bit mad.
Believe it or not...it's going to be fun
New Job Day One
Published on November 8, 2004 By
It arrived, day one of the new job. Got in this morning at about 8:15 was the first one to arrive, (good impression...well at least to begin with). Spent the first hour, clearing out the cabinets and tidying the desk, I like a neat working area. Then people started arriving and I began my lessons in how they run things. Accounts, Mailing Lists, Contributions...all suprisingly easy to follow and understand, I think things will work out.
The environment of the office is quite laid back and easy going. The folks are wonderful, very chatty and kind hearted, good people!
I have had jobs before in a similar capacity (office manager) but this one is different, I feel really comfortable and know my skills and experiences will be appreciated. Also it helps that this job is related to my base degree of Psychology, so that hopefully I can work my way through the ranks...
I really think I'm going to like it there!
Will keep you filled in as the weeks go on...but in the meantime, yeah for me!
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